
Mansoor A Haider
Ph.D., 1996, Applied Mathematics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
B.Math, 1991, Applied Mathematics/Computer Science, University of Waterloo

Current Graduate Students
Kamala Dadashova, PhD student, Applied Mathematics (co-chair)
Helen Reed, PhD student, Applied Mathematics
Julia Sanger, PhD student, Applied Mathematics
Sam Thornton, PhD student, Applied Mathematics

Graduate Student Alumni

Richard Schugart, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2005
Sarah Olson, PhD, Biomathematics, 2008
Brandy Benedict, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2008
Eunjung Kim, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2009
Daniela Valdez-Jasso, PhD, Biomathematics, 2010 (co-chair)
Janine Haugh, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2010
Ahlam Elashegh, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2014
Amanda Mangum, PhD, Biomathematics, 2014
Christina Battista, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2015 (co-chair)
Mallory McMahon, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2020
Christine Mennicke, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2020
Tricity Andrew, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2020
Micaela Mendlow, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2020
Katherine Pearce, PhD, Applied Mathematics, 2022


My Entry on The Math Genealogy Project